Selasa, 10 Maret 2015

Ballon Hairstyle Save This Girl From Cancer

By Clarissa | At 03.30 | Label : | 0 Comments
Ballon Hairstyle Save This Girl From Cancer [2015]. Who does not know about cancer. This one disease can strike anyone, both adults and even children. Quoted from page, a 9-year-old girl named Jessica Brett was suffering from terminal cancer stated. Because of this disease, Jessica must undergo special treatment.

At the hospital where she underwent treatment, special procedures performed by physicians to Jessica. In order that attacked cancer can be cured, doctors decided to implant a sort of balloon in the scalp Jessica to inhibit the growth of cancer. 

Cancer Treatment, Ballon Hairstyle Cure The Cancer
Jessica's Hairstyle after undergoing treatment for cancer
For doctors, it took more than 6 months to perform maintenance on Jessica until the situation improves. According to the doctor, put a balloon on the scalp Jessica is the latest procedures that can help 9-year-old girl fighting cancer malignancy. Although the hair on his head looks quite unique, Jessica was not embarrassed by the display.
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Although the fairly odd hairstyle, Jessica was a steadfast and patient child
According to Jessica's mother named Becky (34), her daughter is a child who is confident and has a high spirit to recover from her cancer pain. Becky said, "Jessica looked like she had bread on the head, but she liked it. People seem to also like the hairstyle that is unique." Becky says that although jessica hit by hard times because of cancer, she never complained. This sweet girl is always smiling. She even gave up cutting her long hair while undergoing chemotherapy.
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Jessica who was always smiling even though she was trying to fight cancer
With balloon in the head, Jessica chose a short cut hair with a hairstyle that is quite unique balloon and interesting. In addition to the hairstyle is quite unique and interesting, balloon hair also as one of the procedures that she recovered from cancer.
Hopefully jessica can recover from cancer. Thank you for visiting this simple blog. I hope the information that we provide useful for you. ^_^

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